Tuesday, November 26, 2013

So when...?

"Wow Strike sure has grown since the last I've seen him! When can he start competing (in AKC I assume)?"
"Can't wait to see you at a trial next month then!"
"...I'm not entering him in anything soon actually."
"Why not? He's old enough and he looks great to me."
Honestly I've thought I've choked this question to death, but others must not read my blog or Facebook posts.

Yes, Strike can start competing December 8th.
No, I am not planning on competing with him that early for a few reasons...
1. Contact training is not finished!! This may take a while...
2. He hasn't even ran a full course yet, he didn't start serious training until just the other month.
3. I'm not in a rush or race to a certain title or accomplishment, I'm just as satisfied with taking my time.
4. I'm a poor college student.

Yes, Strike did really well at Purina practice.  His weaves are phenomenal,  his teeter is great, he keeps bars up, but there is so much that goes into the training of everything that I would have had to start training obstacles at a lower age, which I am highly against, in order to compete the day of his 15 month birthday and feel completely confident. Mainly because I don't live at home during the week. I don't have the option of daily training, so that sets us back a little bit as well.
I don't plan on competing until Strike is 18 months old. Sure he could have advanced into a higher level of AKC by then, but I honestly do.not.care.
I play this game for fun and because I have a true passion for the sport.

So stop asking me why I won't compete with him next month. K thanks.

Rant over.