Sunday, June 17, 2012

Future breeds?

Everyone always asks if will only have border collies.
The answer is probably no.

They will remain my #1 breed but here is a list of other breeds I would consider. Not in any particular order.

*Australian Shepherd
*Shetland Sheepdog
*Cardigan Welsh Corgi
*Rescue mutts ( :] )
*Belgian Malinois

Not saying that these will all happen.

I also want to foster rejects and puppies for local shelters to help them get adopted while living in a safe and loving environment.
Or I could take in and foster strays... Like the little dog posted below.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


For those of you who want visual updates, be sure to subscribe to me on YouTube.


I post quite often.
Just for you people who say "videos or it didn't happen". Haha, THERE YOU GO.

Ace is favorited, only because he's my boy and Bree isn't really into agility and doesn't practice a whole lot. She'll probably only compete in ASCA until she is faster and more consistent.

On an unrelated note; enjoy this picture of baby Ace. :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Busy busy busy.

I haven't been super active in competing until this year.

Well, now I'm starting AKC and my schedule is being loaded!

June 29th - AKC @ Purina

July  6-8th - CPE @ Springfield, I'll

July 14-15th - USDAA @ Purina

July 20-21st - AKC @ Purina

August 3-5th - AKC @ Purina

August 17-19th - ASCA @ Purina

More to come...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The thing about Bree.

Oh Bree...
Awesome weaves, awesome aframe, hater of tunnels, and queen of bizarre.

First off, let me just ask of you to not hate on her... You don't know her.

Bree's summary;
Prey driven - She loves killing harmless wildlife.
Low drive - She isn't drivey when it comes to agility, playing, or training.
Extraterrestrial - okay, not literally, but I'm convinced she has a 6th sense. (or higher for dogs?)
Bitchy - She loves chomping on Moose and Ace. It's annoying.
Diva - She thinks she's the boss. LOL.

Okay. We've been working on this stuff.

I've learned that picking her up, rough housing, and loud noises excite her.... So, I incorporated it into training. She's fast actually! (shocker).
Her first trial was a dud. Not too bad, 6/11 Qs.

But she's learning about fun and dog/handler play. (without toys). We'll see how she does at her next trial!

Her next trial is in August @ Purina.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking towards the future.

I've been asked this by many people recently... Why? I have no idea.
So, I'll dicuss my goals in a blog so that I don't have to keep re-typing.
* Publish my book.
Yes, I've been writing this darn thing for TWO years. It's good though, and will be published hopefully before college. Can't wait, it's seriously awesome.
*Become an optometrist.
Eye doctor... For those of you who are lost on what that is. Looking to go to UMSL for optometry school. Once I finish, I may go back to be an opthamologist (eye surgeon).
*Build an agility facility.
With a two ring agility arena, lots of crate space, a cafe, and a store. Will rent it out to individuals, groups, and clubs for trials. Offer classes also and promote the sport to junior handlers. (lower prices for them).
*Show a dog in conformation.
Not sure on breed. Not a "barbie" collie! Maybe an Akita, Papillon, or a large breed other than those.
*Get a MACH, ATCH, and ADCH on Ace.
Self explanatory, right?
* Move!
I want to go North... Missouri is too hot/humid for me. Ick.
*Be a crazy--er dog lady.
More Border Collies! I want at least four. Then maybe a papillon or conformation dog. :)

The end... For now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ace; back from a break.

After taking a break from agility, we finally practiced a little bit today.

I had noticed Ace slowing down a considerable amount, which triggered the break. We've been playing disc, ball, and going for more walks in the time we were on break.

Well today we set up two little sequences back up at 26" like always.

Ace was launching - yes, launching - himself over the jumps. Like, he's never really done it to that extent. He was flying. I felt like I was running a brand new dog. It was so much fun! He's so easy to handle and reads me so well. Really proud of how far we've come since we first started.

I have the sequences posted. Please feel free to try them out. Very fun and will help you understand your body language like never before. Plus it's just plain fun.

So so happy with my Ace dog. :)

Bree's Calling?

Not many people know that there is a new sport out there. Sadly, I can't make it to their first event but I hope to in the future.

Barn hunting!

Check it out.
All Bree does is hunt. 24/7. Woods, barn, field. Doesn't matter, she's there. Mice, moles, rats, birds, etc.

So excited to possibly start this with her. She'd rock!

New Blog

Well, once again I made a new blog. Totally keeping this one though. Hopefully I'll stick with it like I once promised. Guess we'll find out.

Warning  -  Strongly Opinionated.