I don't usually post things that don't have anything to do with dogs, but when I do, it's something that has been bugging me.
Huge debate currently going on:
Gay marriage.
There are a few things I picked out in particular that people are complaining about;
1.) Tradition
2.) Religion
3.) Morals
I'd just like to first point out that everyone is different...
YOU are straight? Doesn't mean everyone is.
YOU don't like gay marriage? Cool, then don't marry someone of the same sex.
How does a gay couple affect YOU?
YOU don't like seeing them in public? Then ignore it. Don't acknowledge it and act like an asshole; YOU don't know them.
It goes against YOUR religion? Please tell me more about how only one religion exists.
YOU believe that a man and a woman should be the only couple eligible for marriage? That's YOUR opinion. Again, YOU'RE not the one getting a same sex marriage, right?
How will they properly raise their children? YOU'VE got to be kidding me. So I'm guessing single parents can't raise kids properly either? Who gave YOU the right to judge someone on that topic, let alone someone/those YOU don't know.
Being against gay marriage isn't going to keep the gays hidden or get rid of them. It isn't illegal to date of the same sex.
Marriage is a unity. What do YOU care if they're married or not? YOU'RE going to see them together anyway. They dont judge and hate YOU for being straight.
What is freedom if you can't even marry who YOU love?
How would YOU feel if the world as we know it was opposite... If gay was traditional and the government and whatnot was keeping YOU from marrying YOUR opposite sex partner?
Not everyone is straight.
Everyone is entitled to love and freedom, regardless of the fine details.
I'm not gay, but I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but YOUR morals, traditions, and religion can differ from anyone else.
Think about others, think of their struggles with this situation and take a look at yourself. Is it worth it to keep lovers from getting married? You live once... Everyone lives once (unless you believe in reincarnation of course!) Let them live, love, and prosper and do the same yourself.
/end rant.
Sorry. Equality is just fair... Hence the word "equal"...
Which is true?
2 > 2
2 = 2
Just something to think about...
/ Okay, I'm done. Thank you. :)