It's not that I *hate* soccer, per say... I just no longer care for it.
Basically, I wrote this in January, 2012, and it sums up my feels.
People ask WHY I quit, WHY I gave up. Well let me tell you that I didn't give up, I chose to leave for reasons only some would understand. After months of frustration and peer pressure, I basically just burst into a rant. Allow me to share...
Agility Sportsmanship;
We give applause; not a cold two beat clap as we introduce our competitors.
We congratulate those who beat us, rather than giving them a dull high five.
Why eleven when you can run as two?
No coaches yelling at you from the sidelines.
Only the cheers of fans and supporters as you cross the finish line.
You may have messed up, but you aren't scolded or punished.
The only back talk you receive are the excited barks as your dog runs the course.
Boy or girl, you aren't discriminated on which gender is better.
You and your dog are the team, and there is no such thing as a clique in your pair.
One mistake and you don't qualify.
Our teammates are extreme athletes.
Pivots, crosses, wraps, and precise timing outweigh running in a straight line with a ball with the occasional cut, turn, or pass.
We take the blame for all mistakes made on the course; we don't blame our teammates.
We train and prepare for competitions longer throughout the year.
We earn championship titles to hold to our names forever; not a plaque declaring that we beat a few schools for one season in high school.
We work our way up to the top, taking the time that we need.
The people we compete against are our best friends.
We never back talk our officials or judge.
You're recognized no matter where you are on the agility field.
Dogs don't talk behind our backs to other teammates and complain about us.
Agility is a sport. A sport that no matter what, you feel good at the end of your run. Disaster or not, our teammates are impossible to get mad at. Agility; my sport, my passion, and the rest of my life.
-Kelsey Kloeppel
Yeah. Lots of strong feelings. Keep in mind this was the ORIGINAL version. I had a lot of people take it and change it... Not really a polite thing to do.
Not to mention I also wrote...
"An extreme athlete is one who can work not only as part of a team, but do so with a canine."
Please do not steal, claim as your own, or modify my writings.
Okay... rant over. Goodnight.