Saturday, December 15, 2012

Ace's 2012 Year in Review : Trials

2012 was our first "active" year of trialing and I couldn't be more proud. Through confidence struggles and breaking through a stress barrier, Ace has given me all I could have ever asked for. Ace is just Q's away from his ATCH... Our goal for 2013.
So... 2012...

KK's Flyin Ace JJ-E-OP  RJ-E  GJ-E  AJ  AD  SSA  SR  SS  SG  OAJ  NA  CL3 

13 Trials
3 USDAA - 26"
3 ASCA - 24"
3 CPE - 24"
4 AKC - 24"

29 Days

15 Titles

116 Runs
40 CPE
16 AKC

99 Qs
36 CPE
12 AKC

Q RATE : 85%

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Attitude Adjustments

The end of November I made a trip up to Springfield, IL with a friend to do photography and compete in CPE.

I couldn't help but notice (through hours of sitting in a chair in the ring) the attitudes of competitors towards their dogs.

Not talking about the happy, peppy people, but more so the others.

One person in particular ran a dog that clearly had no interest. Yes, he could preform the obstacles correctly... But he barely made any times because he was so slow. The handler clearly tried to get him to speed up, but he just wouldn't. After the runs, the handler would stick the dog right back into his crate telling him that he "didn't listen".

I got to thinking (scary, right?) And clearly an attitude adjustment is what is needed. Not only with this handler, but many others in all different organizations.

That dog is not stupid, he knew that he always gets crated after a run. He doesn't know why, he can't speak English. Why not PRAISE the dog for a job well done/completed? He did what you asked, what more does he think you want from him? Dogs aren't humans. You can't tell them, "hey, run fast to get a cookie", and expect them to understand that.

PRAISE YOUR DOGS. REWARD YOUR DOGS. You signed up for this, I don't see your dogs signing checks for entries. If your dog is having issues, go home or to your trainer and work on those issues. Never discipline your dog for not being enthusiastic and hyper. Sure, they may be that way in training, but remember that the trial scene is MUCH different and can be scary and stressful for dogs.
Take your dogs into consideration too... Maybe agility just isn't their thing... Look for a new game for them.
Don't force them into it over and over again if they aren't enjoying it, because that will not help at all.


And not only the handlers in the ring need an adjustment, but the others watching as well.

Interesting observation...
I've seen a lot of time where if your dog knocks a few bars, blows a contact, etc. that no one claps or really acknowledges you after your run (at least where I've been). Typically along with the end of a horrid run, the handler just seems quiet, upset, or even angry.
Rewatching one of my "disaster runs" on video I noticed something great in the ASCA community compared to a similar run in another organization.

The ASCA and the other run were both NQs, with more than one bar down and when I got to the last jump, I continued to praise and cheerfully get Ace on leash. In both organizations, no one clapped as Ace crossed the last jump... But as soon as I began to praise and love on Ace, the ASCA people clapped. On the contrary, with the same thing happening, no one in the other organization clapped.

Everyone deserves a job well done in the ring. (unless you were being super mean to the dog or something). This goes back to the sportsmanship thing, but I already posted about that and well... I don't have the energy to write much at the moment.

REMEMBER; getting upset will get you no where...

Love and appreciate your dogs<3

Impel's Striking Impact

Blythe x Daisy
DOB : Sept. 8, 2012
Half brother to Ace.

... That is all for now :P

Thursday, November 1, 2012

For my own sake.

I'm really bad at keeping up with titles... I guess it's bound to happen when you run in 4 organizations...
Legs completed to the title...

1/3 - AXJ
2/3 - OA

*****10/10 - JJ-E-OP * (ATCH) *
8/10 - GJ-E-OP * (ATCH) *
14/20 - RJ-E-OP * (ATCH) *
2/10 - JR-E-SP (ATCH 2)

4/6 - CL3-F (fullhouse & jumpers)
5/6 - CL3-H (colors & wildcard)
5/6 - CL3-S (jackpot & snooker)
4/8 - CL4-R (standard)

1/3 - ASA
1/3 - AJ
0/3 - AG
0/3 - AS
0/3 - AR

I think I feel more organzied now if I'm on the go.
2012 Trials Remaining : November CPE, December USDAA.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

AKC July 20-21, 2012

Judge Mary Mullen at the Cocker Spaniel National Show.

Friday ;

Novice JWW - Q/1st
Novice Standard - Q/1st

Saturday ;

Novice Standard - Q/1st
Novice JWW - Q/1st. NAJ.

Our last run was our 100th run as a team. I couldn't ask for a better dog. <3

Purina Practice on Tuesday.
AKC again in two weeks.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Change of passion.

It's not that I *hate* soccer, per say... I just no longer care for it.
Basically, I wrote this in January, 2012, and it sums up my feels.
People ask WHY I quit, WHY I gave up. Well let me tell you that I didn't give up, I chose to leave for reasons only some would understand. After months of frustration and peer pressure, I basically just burst into a rant. Allow me to share...

Agility Sportsmanship;

We give applause; not a cold two beat clap as we introduce our competitors.
We congratulate those who beat us, rather than giving them a dull high five.
Why eleven when you can run as two?
No coaches yelling at you from the sidelines.
Only the cheers of fans and supporters as you cross the finish line.
You may have messed up, but you aren't scolded or punished.
The only back talk you receive are the excited barks as your dog runs the course.
Boy or girl, you aren't discriminated on which gender is better.
You and your dog are the team, and there is no such thing as a clique in your pair.
One mistake and you don't qualify.
Our teammates are extreme athletes.
Pivots, crosses, wraps, and precise timing outweigh running in a straight line with a ball with the occasional cut, turn, or pass.
We take the blame for all mistakes made on the course; we don't blame our teammates.
We train and prepare for competitions longer throughout the year.
We earn championship titles to hold to our names forever; not a plaque declaring that we beat a few schools for one season in high school.
We work our way up to the top, taking the time that we need.
The people we compete against are our best friends.
We never back talk our officials or judge.
You're recognized no matter where you are on the agility field.
Dogs don't talk behind our backs to other teammates and complain about us.
Agility is a sport. A sport that no matter what, you feel good at the end of your run. Disaster or not, our teammates are impossible to get mad at. Agility; my sport, my passion, and the rest of my life.

-Kelsey Kloeppel

Yeah. Lots of strong feelings. Keep in mind this was the ORIGINAL version. I had a lot of people take it and change it... Not really a polite thing to do.

Not to mention I also wrote...

"An extreme athlete is one who can work not only as part of a team, but do so with a canine."

Please do not steal, claim as your own, or modify my writings.
Okay... rant over. Goodnight.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

USDAA July 14-15, 2012

Hosted by the All 4 Fun USDAA club. (They put on an awesome trial. My favorite trials).
Judge Leslie Bickel, the nicest judge I've shown under. Not to mention her courses are amazingly fun.

Saturday :

Starters Gamblers - Q/1st. (SG title).
Advanced Jumpers - NQ. Knocked the triple...
Advanced Standard - NQ. I messed up and he kind of jumped into the wing and knocked it.
Starters Pairs - Q/1st. With Judith Walker and Enid the all-American! (SR title).
Also ran another pairs as a fill in, but didn't count. Ace was outstanding speed wise.

Sunday :

Starters Snooker - Q/1st. All 7's, baby. (SS title).
Advanced Standard - Q/1st. Two dogs Q'd. A little slow after a wipeout on the new ring's turf in snooker. Held his contacts since he was being naughty previously.
Advanced Jumpers - Q/1st. Slower once again thanks to new slick turf, but he did good and didn't knock the triple on a turn. Wheeee!!

So fun! All out of Starters now and up to Advanced in everything. Woo hoo!!!

Ace's registered name now reads;
KK's Flyin Ace RJ-E  JJ-E  GJ-E  CL3-R  AD SSA  SJ  SG  SS  SR!
(Not all of his titles. Just his correct registered name with current titles.)


AKC next weekend... :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

CPE July 5 - 8, 2012

Held in Springfield, IL. Judge Jerry Mckenzie. All level 3, but I went to level 4 standard on Sat/Sun.

Friday :

Jackpot - Q/1st
Standard - Q/1st
Standard - Q/1st. Fastest time all heights and CL3-R title.
Snooker - NQ/1st. Ran last out of maybe 50 dogs and I forgot my path and sent him to the wrong jump.
Wildcard - Q/1st

Saturday :

Fullhouse  Q/1st
Standard - Q/1st
Standard - Q/1st
Snooker - Q/1st. Take that, Snooker.
Colors - Q/1st. fastest level 3 dog.

Sunday :

Jackpot -  Q/1st. Ace was going nuts. He was barking and going insane. Both the judge and I were laughing. Such a goofy boy.
Standard - Q/1st. Fastest time all heights and levels (45C).
Standard - Q/2nd. Fastest level 4 dog, but we knocked a bar, which allowed the clean 20 second slower dog to take first. At least we can still Q with a bar though!
Wildcard - Q/1st.
Jumpers - Q/1st.

Photos belows ;

Our ribbons. All except the NQ 1st place ribbon. I refuse to take a placement ribbon if it's an NQ.

Ace chillin' in the hotel. :)

Videos will come soon and will be posted *HERE*.

USDAA trial is next weekend at Purina!

Monday, July 2, 2012

AKC June 29, 2012

Back to novice.

Basically a little less stressy at the crate, but still stressy in the ring.

Standard NQ. I forgot what the frick I was doing and rear-crossed WAY (and I mean WAYYY) too late on the aframe, driving so lateral that it basically caused Ace to bail. Whoops... But he got the broad jump and that is what I was looking for.

JWW Q/1st. Yeah. Self explanatory. Short course. Still stressy (which you can see in the video), but he managed to pull off a first place.


My goal is to get him comfortable at Purina and reduce ring stress to get his actual speed.

Enjoy some fun pictures now.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Future breeds?

Everyone always asks if will only have border collies.
The answer is probably no.

They will remain my #1 breed but here is a list of other breeds I would consider. Not in any particular order.

*Australian Shepherd
*Shetland Sheepdog
*Cardigan Welsh Corgi
*Rescue mutts ( :] )
*Belgian Malinois

Not saying that these will all happen.

I also want to foster rejects and puppies for local shelters to help them get adopted while living in a safe and loving environment.
Or I could take in and foster strays... Like the little dog posted below.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


For those of you who want visual updates, be sure to subscribe to me on YouTube.


I post quite often.
Just for you people who say "videos or it didn't happen". Haha, THERE YOU GO.

Ace is favorited, only because he's my boy and Bree isn't really into agility and doesn't practice a whole lot. She'll probably only compete in ASCA until she is faster and more consistent.

On an unrelated note; enjoy this picture of baby Ace. :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Busy busy busy.

I haven't been super active in competing until this year.

Well, now I'm starting AKC and my schedule is being loaded!

June 29th - AKC @ Purina

July  6-8th - CPE @ Springfield, I'll

July 14-15th - USDAA @ Purina

July 20-21st - AKC @ Purina

August 3-5th - AKC @ Purina

August 17-19th - ASCA @ Purina

More to come...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The thing about Bree.

Oh Bree...
Awesome weaves, awesome aframe, hater of tunnels, and queen of bizarre.

First off, let me just ask of you to not hate on her... You don't know her.

Bree's summary;
Prey driven - She loves killing harmless wildlife.
Low drive - She isn't drivey when it comes to agility, playing, or training.
Extraterrestrial - okay, not literally, but I'm convinced she has a 6th sense. (or higher for dogs?)
Bitchy - She loves chomping on Moose and Ace. It's annoying.
Diva - She thinks she's the boss. LOL.

Okay. We've been working on this stuff.

I've learned that picking her up, rough housing, and loud noises excite her.... So, I incorporated it into training. She's fast actually! (shocker).
Her first trial was a dud. Not too bad, 6/11 Qs.

But she's learning about fun and dog/handler play. (without toys). We'll see how she does at her next trial!

Her next trial is in August @ Purina.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Looking towards the future.

I've been asked this by many people recently... Why? I have no idea.
So, I'll dicuss my goals in a blog so that I don't have to keep re-typing.
* Publish my book.
Yes, I've been writing this darn thing for TWO years. It's good though, and will be published hopefully before college. Can't wait, it's seriously awesome.
*Become an optometrist.
Eye doctor... For those of you who are lost on what that is. Looking to go to UMSL for optometry school. Once I finish, I may go back to be an opthamologist (eye surgeon).
*Build an agility facility.
With a two ring agility arena, lots of crate space, a cafe, and a store. Will rent it out to individuals, groups, and clubs for trials. Offer classes also and promote the sport to junior handlers. (lower prices for them).
*Show a dog in conformation.
Not sure on breed. Not a "barbie" collie! Maybe an Akita, Papillon, or a large breed other than those.
*Get a MACH, ATCH, and ADCH on Ace.
Self explanatory, right?
* Move!
I want to go North... Missouri is too hot/humid for me. Ick.
*Be a crazy--er dog lady.
More Border Collies! I want at least four. Then maybe a papillon or conformation dog. :)

The end... For now.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ace; back from a break.

After taking a break from agility, we finally practiced a little bit today.

I had noticed Ace slowing down a considerable amount, which triggered the break. We've been playing disc, ball, and going for more walks in the time we were on break.

Well today we set up two little sequences back up at 26" like always.

Ace was launching - yes, launching - himself over the jumps. Like, he's never really done it to that extent. He was flying. I felt like I was running a brand new dog. It was so much fun! He's so easy to handle and reads me so well. Really proud of how far we've come since we first started.

I have the sequences posted. Please feel free to try them out. Very fun and will help you understand your body language like never before. Plus it's just plain fun.

So so happy with my Ace dog. :)

Bree's Calling?

Not many people know that there is a new sport out there. Sadly, I can't make it to their first event but I hope to in the future.

Barn hunting!

Check it out.
All Bree does is hunt. 24/7. Woods, barn, field. Doesn't matter, she's there. Mice, moles, rats, birds, etc.

So excited to possibly start this with her. She'd rock!

New Blog

Well, once again I made a new blog. Totally keeping this one though. Hopefully I'll stick with it like I once promised. Guess we'll find out.

Warning  -  Strongly Opinionated.